One overnight bus, 2 flights & 1 layover, we finally touched down in Phuket!

After spending 10 days in the EXTREMELY dry Dunsborough, the humidity of Phuket sent us into a shock as we stepped outside the airport for the first time. We took a taxi from the airport to our RESORTEL – PJ Patong’s. By the time we arrived at our place, it was late and we were exhausted from our travel day, so we just picked up some food and enjoyed the evening.
We spent our first few days in Phuket enjoying the beach, checking out the different night markets, and utilizing our hotel pool

The real fun began on Monday, when Saz started her scuba certification course with Aussie Divers. The first day was all theory and pool work, so she spent the day at the main office while I explored Patong beach myself.
I had the horrible realisation that I was officially #TooOld to be staying in Patong Beach, but enjoyed people watching and relaxing by the ocean regardless.

The next day, we were picked up in a van bright an early for our first 3 dives of the 6 dive package. The boat was huge, with at least 50+ divers on it.
We were graced with the presence of Peter and David, the two biggest one uppers of all time. We laughed all day as they bickered about who lived closer to the Great Barrier Reef, or who was more expert of a diver.
The dives were wonderful, and we saw hundreds of different species, including huge schools of fish, eels, lion fish, sea snakes, and clown fish.

The 2nd day of diving was even better! We set sail towards Phi Phi Islands for our 3 dives of the day. Despite diving at “Shark Point”, we only managed to see 1 black tip reef shark, as there were at least 3 other dive boats at the same site that day, and all the divers probably scared away most of the marine life.
Still, we were able to see some sea horses, squids, and tons of other marine life, so we were very happy.
Saz officially completed her course, and is now an open water diver!

After finishing the dive course, we spent our last day in Phuket planning our next course of action. We have decided to take a ferry over to Koh Lanta as our next destination, and we’re looking forward to finding a more relaxing and chill area of Thailand to explore.