After traveling all day by bus, we arrived at our destination of Ranong, and our hostel was a one-minute walk from the bus station. We were using Ranong as a one day stopover before headed to Koh Phayam.
We noticed a couple on the bus around our age was also walking in the same direction, and sure enough, they had booked the same accommodation. We checked in and then headed out to find some food. After wandering around the area and not finding much, we stumbled upon a family-run food stall, and we sat down. I guess the other couple had the same idea, as they came shortly after and sat down with us. Noah and Natalie are both from the UK, and they had also just quit their jobs and were starting their backpacking journey. They also were planning to go to Koh Phayam the next day, on the same ferry!

The next day our hostel owner, Jai, drove us to the ferry (the slow boat, because it was cheaper). We waited for almost an hour on the top deck while the bottom was loaded with all kinds of products bound for the island: eggs, beers, mattresses, washing machines, produce, etc. There was a managing lady at the dock absolutely tearing a new one to all the working men, who we couldn’t keep our eyes off. A queen.
The boat really lived up to its title of ‘Slow Boat‘ – taking 2 hours to cross 9 miles of flat, windless ocean. We sat and chatted with Noah and Natalie, so it kept the journey entertaining.
When we arrived at our hostel in Koh Phayam, the owner informed us that the room we had booked (a private, with a shared bathroom), was still occupied by a lady who had not shown up to check out. He was such a strange man. After telling us he said he was going to go check if the girl had shown up again, he left us in the lobby. After waiting for half an hour, Wini went to check on him and he was in the back, digging a hole with some construction men…
Eventually, he told us he could let us stay for free in a dorm room for one or two nights and then we could move into our original room when it became available. We made the most of it by cozying up our little bunk bed.

After we had dropped our stuff, it was time to explore! It was still early in the day, so we walked to one of the beaches on the other side of the island, Hin Talu. It had a little beach bar which was cute, but we didn’t really feel like drinking. We still had some exploring left in us!

After Hin Talu, we walked to Aow Yai Beach to watch the sunset. On both beaches there were these interesting little patterns in the sand, which are created by sand-bubbler crabs! They ingest the sand, eat out any plankton or food, and spit out the rest into these perfect little dip-n-dots!

The next day the room still wasn’t available, so we left the hostel and went out to explore some more. But first: a massage! We tried two other places that were booked up until the evening before finding Namtan Thai Massage and having the best massage of our lives!!! Both our ladies were so expert. They gave us the most relaxing massage that went deep enough to remove all soreness, without being painful at all. We felt like we were walking on clouds after.

After, we went back to Hin Talu Beach. The tide was much higher today so we went for a little swim. The water was so perfect.

The next day the owner told us we could move rooms – and we got an upgrade! We got a private bungalow, with its own bathroom. After moving in we walked to Kwangpeeb Beach. An incredible name for an incredible beach. We also ran into Noah and Natalie there, and made plans to meet up with them that evening for drinks. We attempted to snorkel, but the visibility was too poor. So we set up our hammock and spent the day floating in the ocean and lounging.

On the way home we stopped by a store to grab some snacks, and THEY HAD PUPPIES!!! They were sooo cute and so small, and we got to hold them! Then we hitched a ride home on a scooter cart!

That evening we met up with Noah and Natalie for drinks at a German bar close to our place, but we were being lowkey harassed by some old drunk men so we moved on to a sports bar down the road. We had some drinks and then headed to the main event: Musika, a techno party up the mountain! It was so nice because right as we were heading up, some Thai guys on scooters offered to drive us up the long road.
It was fun but we didn’t stay out that late. The dance floor was packed though, and the average age was 60-70 so I don’t know what our excuse was!
The next day we had a totally relaxing day at our hostel, only leaving for meals and ice cream (heheh). But the day after (our final day in Koh Phayam), we woke up bright and early to go watch the Rihanna concert Super Bowl at the sports bar, The Rendezvous. We sat with the owner’s girlfriend, Som, a lovely Thai lady we met the night before when we went out with Noah and Natalie. Both Som and Wini were cheering for Kansas City, I was just there for Rihanna, and the rest of the bar was all for Philadelphia. And both Rihanna and Kansas City won! I think we’re good luck.

After the game, we went to another beach close to Kwangpeeb, called Ao Khao Kwai, stopping both ways to pet and hold the puppies! Our children. There was a really interesting bar on this beach, constructed entirely out of driftwood to resemble a shipwreck. We spent some time there and then hitched a ride back to our hostel, where we had already checked out.

We gathered up our stuff and boarded our beloved Slow Boat back to Ranong where Mama Jai Kiwi picked us up and took us back to her hostel/the bus station for our special VIP overnight bus to Bangkok and our next adventures.