We arrived in Bangkok from our sleeper bus at 3:30 am. An unideal time to arrive in the sleepiest city I ever did see. We thought about going to a 24-hour massage place or something to kill time before we could drop our bags off at the hostel but the only ones that showed up were far on the other side of the city. So we chilled in the bus station until it was closer to 6am then took a taxi to our hostel.

We were able to drop our bags at the hostel and chill in the lounge area downstairs as we continued to wait for the day to start for the rest of the world. Our trip to Bangkok is going to be short and sweet. We have two main goals: 1) to meet up with Wini’s friend from uni Jules, and her husband Del, and 2) to go to the Apple store to fix her Airpods that broke back in Koh Lanta a couple weeks ago.

Once it was a reasonable time, we walked over to Jules and Del’s hostel, a few blocks away. They had already been in Bangkok for several days, so they had a lay of the land. We went with them to a local market street and grabbed some breakfast, and then we found a Starbucks to post up in for a few hours. It was still way too early to check in to our hostel, so we decided to kill some time getting a Thai massage (always a good call).

We popped back to our hostel, and they still weren’t ready for us to check in, so we had to go straight to the mall for Wini’s Apple appointment. The mall was absolutely massive, and also filled with people! It felt like a blast from the past to see so many people hanging out in a mall.
Wini got her Airpods replaced, and FINALLY, it was time for us to check in and chill at our hostel. Our last bed in Koh Phayam feels like a million years ago.

That evening we had plans to meet up with Jules and Del to check out the infamous Khao San Road. HOWEVER, I was incredibly exhausted so I opted to stay in, while Wini went out for a wild night on the town. She was back at the hostel just after midnight with hilarious tales of her evening. She says Khao San Road lives up to every stereotype! She spent it showing off her talents for beer pong by beating the college-aged frat guys they met, and people-watching on the boulevard.

The next day we woke up to thunderstorms. Our first rainy day so far! We had a cozy, chill morning watching She’s The Man (a masterpiece). In the afternoon, we met up with Jules and Del for lunch at an Indian restaurant. We hung out with them for the afternoon and then said goodbye as they headed to Phuket. We’ll see them in a few weeks somewhere in Vietnam and in the Philippines so it’s just a temporary bye!

Our last day in Bangkok we woke up at like 5am because we fell asleep extremely early last night (think: 6pm lol). We had a very chill morning, and then went back to the same Indian restaurant as yesterday. Then we took a taxi to the train station for our 12-hour overnight ride to Chiang Mai! We’re excited to experience some reprieve from the heat of southern Thailand!