After almost a month of being fully unpacked and fully relaxed in Jasper, Indiana it was time to get back on the road! We were going to Denver to attend my friend Ashley’s wedding. We woke up at 3 am to catch our early flight out of Indy. My parents were leaving back to Taiwan that same morning, so we collectively loaded up the car, said goodbye to our house, and got on the road to the airport in Indianapolis. It was about a 2 hour drive, and we arrived with plenty of time to spare. Coincidentally, my parents gate for their flight to SFO was right next to our gate to Denver!

Our flight was about an hour earlier than theirs, so we said our goodbyes before we boarded onto the plane. It was luckily only a 2 hour flight, because the lady next to us decided to shower in perfume that morning, and an entire men’s basketball team sitting behind us never learned about inside voices. When we finally arrived in Denver, we were both super hangry and tired.

I discovered that thanks to my Chase Sapphire Reserve, we could use the Priority Pass benefit and use up to $56 in credit at the airport grab-and-go shop! We did the math and figured out how to maximise our free food, and ended up just under the limit! We got a caprese sandwich, a smoked turkey wrap, a Caesar salad, a coffee, two croissants, and a cookie! It felt so illegal to get free stuff, but it was amazing.
We tried to be #frugal and take the light rail to HaNa’s place, but after doing the math it was only 6 dollars more expensive to take an Uber and would save us a lot of time. We hopped into the Uber and were greeted with the most gorgeous view: a bright blue sky against the snow capped mountains.
We arrived at HaNa’s and were greeted the best boy ever: Miles! He was so excited to see us!! We dropped our bags, ran out to the grocery store to pick up some food, and started to cook dinner.

HaNa got home from work and gave us the worst news ever: Miles hurt his paw and was on strict no playing orders from the vet. We definitely weren’t strong enough to resist his puppy dog eyes!!!

The next morning, HaNa and Danielle went shopping for wedding shoes and did a ton of exercise. We… did not. We ate leftover food, cuddled on the couch with Miles, and stayed firmly horizontal all afternoon. (We’ll blame it on the elevation)
That evening, we had plans to go out to dinner with my roommate and bestie from college, Cylie! We waited forever at a pizza place trying to get a table, but time flies when you’re having fun! We got Cylie on board to live in a commune together in the future, so I’d say it was time well spent.

The next day, the brides, Ashley and Kirsten, were hosting a pre-wedding “Brews with the Brides” event at a local brewery. HaNa said she had a “quick 3 hour bike ride” that morning as part of her training regiment, so if you read between the lines she basically called us fat lazy piggies????
The weather was perfect at the brewery, and it was so great to see Ashley & Kirsten, as well as some other friends we had met last year at their house! We had a nice afternoon, chatting with old and new friends.

We left the event around 7 pm, picked up some dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant, and went home for an early night before the wedding!

The morning of the wedding, I acted as chauffeur to HaNa and Danielle, shuttling them to and from their nail/hair appointments. During their appointments, Saz and I also quickly drove over to my condo to check on my storage unit. We picked up lunch at Pita Fresh, one of my fav restaurants from when I lived in Denver.
After their appointments, we picked up HaNa and Danielle and drove home to get ready for the wedding! We called an Uber to get to the venue, but he was seriously the slowest driver of all time. He was going 5-10 under the whole drive to the point where we thought we were going to be late! Luckily, we made it just in time for the beautiful ceremony.

Ashley and Kirsten both looked beautiful, and the venue was absolutely gorgeous. We loved that they had a friend officiate their wedding, and the whole ceremony was just stunning.

It was our very first lesbian wedding, so we mingled with the gays, had some drinks, took pics with the brides, and chatted the night away. As the sun went down, we huddled under the heaters and eventually moved inside for dinner. Dinner was delicious, as the wedding was catered by a pizza food truck! We each got to go out and choose our own DIY pizzas.

One of our new friends, Laurie, accused me of not being able to last all night on the dance floor!?!?! Does she even know me?!??! I literally majored in Kesha in college???
It was doubly offensive considering the wedding was on a Sunday and the dance floor was ending at 9 pm. I made sure to rub it in her face with a selfie on the dance floor at 9 pm after she had already left!

The wedding was so much fun, and we felt so lucky to be there for Ashley & Kirsten’s special day! We got to make some new friends, see some old ones, and just have a really amazing few days in Denver.

After just a few days in Denver, we decided we had had enough of the cold and needed to flock south for the winter. Next stop, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico!