Lanyu, or Orchid Island, is a small volcanic island located sixty-four kilometers off the southeast coast of Taiwan. It’s best known for its breathtaking landscapes and great diving. Although it’s a bit of a journey to get there from mainland Taiwan, I would highly recommend visiting, as it was the one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever seen. For my Americans out there, imagine the natural beauty of Hawaii without any of the large buildings or overcrowded beaches… and that’s pretty much Lanyu.
Because it’s quite a trek to get out there, I recommend staying for at least two nights/one day. However, it’s a tiny island so you can definitely see everything in three nights/two days.

We opted to take the two hour ferry from Kenting Houbihu Port to Lanyu operated by this company. The website is only in Mandarin, but if you open it in a Google Chrome browser they do a decent translation job! While the ride was a bit pricey ($2300NTD ($77.37USD) per person for a round trip), it was still cheaper than flying and the seats are super comfortable and spacious. There’s no need to order tickets in advance, but make sure you’re at the port at least an hour before your scheduled departure time to allow for time to find the ticket office.
Also, as with many things in Taiwan, they only take cash! The ride can get fairly bumpy depending on the winds, so we highly recommending bringing a dose of seasickness medicine so you don’t start or end your vacation stuck in the bathroom.
This same company also offers ferries out of Hualien City.

There is only 1 ATM on the whole island, and it doesn’t take foreign cards. If you are visiting Lanyu, make sure you take out enough cash beforehand. Most places on the island don’t accept card, and we paid for everything on the island, including accomodation, scooter rentals, ferry tickets and food in cash.
For both locals and tourists alike, motorbikes are the move on Lanyu. With the narrow, one lane highways and countless viewpoints scattered throughout the island, it’s much easier, convenient and fun to opt for a motorbike in lieu of a car. It’s also almost impossible to get lost! The island has just two roads, one around the circumference and one through the middle.
The company we rented our motorbikes from does not seem to have an internet presence, but they are located about two miles south of the harbour on the ocean side of the road. You’ll see dozens of scooters parked out in front, so it’s easy to spot! You must have a Taiwanese Motorcycle License OR your international or country-specific drivers’ license, as they won’t rent one without it!

As with most of Taiwan, the food in Lanyu is somehow both amazing and affordable. In particular, the Lanyu flying fish (飛魚) (Lányŭ Fēiyú) is offered in almost every restaurant and is a local specialty. These iconic fish can also be seen hanging on lines on almost every corner, so you know you’re getting the freshest product possible.
Unfortunately, we didn’t get the chance to do this when we were on the island, but it is one of the most popular things to do in Lanyu. There’s a few companies with an online presence, but most homestays/hostels will offer recommendations or discounts.

Although the population of Lanyu is just over five thousand, its breathtaking landscape attracts over one hundred thousand tourists annually. However, it still manages to maintain a small town feel, and does not host any large resorts or hotels. The four of us chose to rent a double, private room at Banai Homestay, which averaged out to about $30USD/person/night. While it was on the pricier side for Taiwan, the room was nice and our host was extremely helpful.